When you pull out the asparagus, they'll be golden brown on the outside and tender on the inside.
Snap off the tough ends (I never cook those). I cut this recipe in half for Jeremy and me.
In goes the flour, parmesan, salt and pepper, and bread crumbs.
After the asparagus is rolled in the egg whites, roll them in the bread crumb mixture until completely coated.
Onto the bake rack they go and into the oven in 425 degrees for about 15 minutes. Super easy, super healthy.
you'll need:
1 bunch asparagus (about 30 spears)
2 egg whites, slightly whipped
1 c. whole wheat seasoned bread crumbs
1/4 c. whole wheat flour
salt, pepper
1/4. parmesan cheese
get busy:
Preheat oven to 425. Lay a wire rack on top of a cookie sheet. Snap off tough ends of asparagus. On two different small plates, add two egg whites (whipped slightly with a whisk), and on the other plate, the bread crumbs, flour, salt, pepper and parmesan. Roll the asparagus in the egg whites, then roll in the dry ingredient mixture. Place on rack and cook for 15 minutes or until golden brown.
Got to try this one!