Monday, September 19, 2011

have YOU ever camped for more than 2 weeks??

Jeremy and I helped his dad cater a bicycling tour across souther Utah for 11 days. Talk about hard work! We were up by 5, cooking breakfast, then serving breakfast, then doing endless dishes from breakfast, then starting lunch, etc. We were lucky if we got to bed by midnight, and some nights were way cold! My phone has an awesome panoramic app. Bryce Canyon
We spent a few days at Lake Mead with my family wakeboarding, tubing, fishing and I got up on one ski my second try! It's so much fun!

Bryce Canyon

However, we saw the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen. The picture I'm in is in Goblin Valley. Jeremy above is in Bryce Canyon. That is the most breathtaking scenery you will ever see! In between these two camping trips we ventured to Carlsbad area and apartment hunted for 3 solid days. Thank you Karen Brown for letting us stay at your beautiful home. Our apartment is 14 minutes from the beach, 2 from a super Walmart (with a really nice grocery section), and a half mile from our church building. Yessssssss. We have never been more excited to sleep in our big comfy bed by the time this trip was over.

Chapter 3...

In lieu of our one year anniversary and graduating college/moving to California, I decided to start a blog so our friends and family can keep up with our crazy lives!

Chapter 1 began when Jeremy and I started dating. We met at a bonfire in Rock Canyon, Provo, UT. I thought he was so dreamy...and he thought I was annoying. I don't know what happened in between meeting #1 and meeting #2, but the second time we saw each other, we were at a dessert party. Somehow that night he decided I was less annoying. I'll never forget the first time I got to see Jeremy without his shirt on; I about melted to the floor!
We dated for about a year before he proposed to me in a hot air balloon over St. George, UT. The poor guy was so nervous he tried to put the ring on the wrong hand! We were married in the San Diego Temple for time and all eternity on August 21, 2010, which marked Chapter 2 of our lives together. The first year of marriage had its ups and downs, but we love each other more than ever.
Chapter 3 now begins, as we both graduated this summer, I from BYU, and Jeremy from UVU. We say goodbye to Provo in a week and head to Vista, CA where Jeremy will begin his career as an Edward Jones financial advisor. I have just started looking for a job (UGHHH), so wish me luck. We will really miss Utah, actually. I can say that with complete truth. Buuuuut... in about 3 months when we are beach cruising in Carlsbad in swim suits I will look at the weather in Provo and be glad I'm not there!! Let a new adventure begin!